On Tue, 30 Jan 2018 05:56:51 +0000, DanielG wrote:

> Then there's all the modern Microsoft stuff (WPF/XAML/WinRT/etc),
> but you pretty much have to use either .NET or C++ for that.

VS release builds compile to native now by default; for easy Windows 
programming, you really can't beat C# and drawing the GUI (Windows Forms, 
not necessarily the new stuff). If the OP wants to learn what's needed for 
more complex GUI tasks (like for most non-simple applications), learning 
to build a GUI from source is kind of necessary though.

If/when .NET Core becomes something people can rely on and are willing to 
try, I think we'll see more people using C# outside the enterprise; you 
get easy when you want it, power when you need it, native code generation 
on Windows, and OS portability.

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