I'm trying this idea for an API style it's... not quite working. The part I'm failing at currently is actually classifying types passed in.

I want this to occur at compile time.

void funct(A...)(A a)
        static if (a.length)
                writeln(a[0]); //first is "pos(100,100)"
                static if(
                        is(a[0] == pos) //<---never matches
                        writeln(a[0].x); //works, as "pos.x"
                static if (a.length > 1)
                     funct(a[1 .. $]);

struct pos { float x, y; }
struct scale { float f; }
struct rotate { float a; }

void test_inst()
        funct(pos(100,100), scale(2), rotate(0.0f));

I've tried all kinds of variations of test conditions. I've tried wrapping the right side in an AliasSeq. I've tried quotation marks. I've tried other stuff. I can't find any applicable posts or examples online.

All I want to do is (at this point anyway):

- Pass a variable number of arguments (works), match them (FAIL), and read their interal values. (works)

At compile time.


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