On Monday, 9 July 2018 at 05:54:27 UTC, vino.B wrote:
On Sunday, 8 July 2018 at 19:22:32 UTC, Timoses wrote:
Perhaps you could tell us what your goal is. People here might come up with a nice solution. Why do you feel like having to use templated functions in the first place? That is, what is the generic goal of the functions you are trying to define?

Hi Timoses,

We are converting a Power shell script to D in phased manner; the PS script has many functions and we converted few function to D in Phase 1.

Phase 1:

Structure of the Program
  Main -> Thread Manager->CoFunction1(Fs1,2,3,4,5)
  Main -> Thread Manager->CoFunction2(Fs1,2,3,4,5)

The thread manager will call the Cofunctions and the function gets executed on “N” of file systems each of size 5-10 TB.

The function that we transformed all has the same number of parameters (3) and the type was same (string, string, int), so we wrote a static thread manager as below

void ptManager (T)(T function(string, string, int) coRoutine, Array!string Dirlst, string Step, int Size) { alias scRType = typeof(coRoutine(string.init, string.init, int.init));
     auto PFresult = taskPool.workerLocalStorage!scRType();
     ReturnType!coRoutine rData;
foreach (string FFs; parallel(Dirlst[0 .. $],1)) { PFresult.get ~= coRoutine(FFs.strip, Step); }
     foreach(i; PFresult.toRange) { writeln(i[][]); }

void main () {
ptManager(&function1, Fn1Dirlst, Step, Size);
ptManager(&function2, Fn2Dirlst, Step, Age);


Phase 2:

In phase 2 we are transferring few more function to the existing D code, and these functions has variable number of parameter and different type eg: Function3(string, string, string), Function(string, int, string, int).

Initially I tried to re-write the ptManager function for each type of function which ended with 8 ptManager functions, Eg : ptManager1(string, string, int), ptManager2(string, string, string), ptManager3(string,int), so now trying as to whether we can use 1 ptManager function which can process function with “N” of parameter and types to process all the function, hence trying to implement the Variadic function. Hence request your help and suggestion to achieve this.

Command Parameter to all the functions:
Array!string Dirlist : This parameter will contain the the Fs names
File logF: This parameter is used to store the outoput
File logE: This parameter is used to store the Error Information.

Rest of the function has variable parameters/type.


Ok, interesting. I don't really know my way around parallelism, though I think you should take a look at Alex's suggestion (https://forum.dlang.org/post/adepbwetsiuwguuaa...@forum.dlang.org) for a template solution. You could e.g. do

    void ptManager(alias func, T ...)(T args)
        import std.traits : Parameters, ReturnType;
static assert(is(Parameters!func == T), "Arguments don't fit function!");
        alias RetType = ReturnType!func;

        // only receive value if return type is not void
        static if (!is(RetType == void))
            RetType mVal = func(args);

        // write it to stdout if mVal is a valid symbol
        // (could also combine that in the above static if...)
        static if (is(typeof(mVal)))
            import std.stdio : writeln;

        ptManager!((int i) => i+1)(2);
void someDelegate(string s1, string s2, int i1) { /* ... */ }
        ptManager!someDelegate("hello", "ptManager", 100);

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