On Saturday, 16 March 2019 at 03:47:43 UTC, Murilo wrote:
Does anyone know if when I create a variable inside a scope as in
{int a = 10;}
it disappears complete from the memory when the scope finishes? Or does it remain in some part of the memory? I am thinking of using scopes to make optimized programs that consume less memory.

Others have made good points in this thread, but what is missing is that indeed scopes _can_ be used beneficially to reduce memory footprint.

I recommend playing with this code on d.godbolt.org:
void func(ref int[10] a); // important detail: pointer

void foo()
        int[10] a;
    } {
        int[10] b;

Because the variable is passed by reference (pointer), the optimizer cannot merge the storage space of `a` and `b` _unless_ scope information is taken into account. Without taking scope into account, the first `func` call could store the pointer to `a` somewhere for later use in the second `func` call for example. However, because of scope, using `a` after its scope has ended is UB, and thus variables `a` and `b` can be used.

GDC uses scope information for variable lifetime optimization, but LDC and DMD both do not. For anyone interested in working on compilers: adding variable scope lifetime to LDC (not impossibly hard) would be a nice project and be very valuable.


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