On Thursday, 16 May 2019 at 12:16:26 UTC, Marco de Wild wrote:

Or are there any tips to roll my own implementation?

I took a stab at it:


struct NoGcArray(size_t maxSize, T)
    private T[maxSize] _buffer;
    private T[] _slice;
    private size_t _frontIndex;

    size_t length() const
        return _slice.length;

    void opOpAssign(string op)(T element)
        static if(op == "~")
            _buffer[_frontIndex + length] = element;
            _slice = _buffer[_frontIndex..(length + 1)];
            static assert(false, "Only concatenation supported");

    T opIndex(size_t index) const
        return _slice[index];

    T front() const
        return _slice[0];

    void popFront()
        _slice = _slice[1..$];

    bool empty() const
        return _slice.length == 0;

void main()
    import std.algorithm : sum, map;
    NoGcArray!(4, int) array;
    array ~= 420;
    array ~= 42;
    assert(array.map!(x => x*2).sum == 924);


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