On Saturday, 17 August 2019 at 19:22:54 UTC, Ron Tarrant wrote:
On Friday, 16 August 2019 at 12:44:15 UTC, bauss wrote:

Amazing! You might be able to answer me something, whether you could use gtkd solely for image manipulation using ex. Pixbuf? or would it only work with the internals of gtkd? Like can you manipulate the image and save it to disk etc.

Those are very good questions, bauss. I haven't dug in that deep yet, but I see no reason why Cairo couldn't be used to build a full-featured paint, manipulation, or structured drawing application. But it won't only be about Pixbufs. The Cairo Context seems to be where all the action is as far as drawing routines go.

Over the next few months, off and on, I'll be exploring stuff like that. I'm still working on getting through all the unsexy stuff first (the basic widgets) but every once in a while, I just have to let my hair down and do something that's a bit more complex.

After the basic image and drawing stuff is covered, I'll be digging into simple animation and how to tame the Timeout. Then, after a short side-trip to finish off MVC and do some more base-level widgets such as the Toolbar, Statusbar, and Expander, there's another Cairo miniseries coming up that covers nodes and noodles, something I've wanted to dig into for several years.

Thanks for reading and thanks for the kind words.

Thank you for the answer.

I'll take a look at it myself sometime in the near future and see what I can come up with and if I can figure it out :)

Also thank you for these blog posts. I enjoy reading them, also the MVC ones.

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