On Friday, 18 October 2019 at 06:22:33 UTC, Vino wrote:
Hi All,

Request your help in converting a PHP code to D equivalent code

PHP Code:
class avmtest {
        private $con;

        function __construct() {
                global $config;
$this->con = new mysqli(test.srv.com:3910, testusr, xxxx#, test); if($this->con->connect_errno) { die("Connection Failed.\n"); }

        function getHostname() {
$qdata = $this->con->prepare("SELECT host_name FROM hosts_coll");
                while($qdata->fetch()) {
                        $data[] = array("HostName" => $host);
                return $data;

D Code:
module avm.test;

import mysql;
import std.array : array;
import std.conv;
import std.variant;

class avmtest
        private conn;
        auto avmconnect()
auto connectionStr = "host=test.srv.com;port=3910;user=testusr;pwd=xxxx#;db=test";
        Connection conn = new Connection(connectionStr);
        scope(exit) conn.close();

        auto getHostname()
ResultRange qdata = conn.query("SELECT host_name FROM `hosts_coll`");
          Row row = qdata.front;
          Variant h = row[0];
          return h.to!string;

Error: Error: no identifier for declarator conn

The instance variable in the D code, `conn`, doesn't have a type. I guess the type should be `Connection`. In the D version of `avmconnect` you're declaring a local variable named `conn` instead of referring to the instance variable.

/Jacob Carlborg

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