On Friday, 18 October 2019 at 07:35:21 UTC, Martin Tschierschke wrote:
If I search for what ever, not related to D, I very often end with a solution found on one of the StackExchange forums like StackOverflow or AskUbuntu etc.

The main advantage is, that all answers can be classified (up/down voted, moderated etc.) This is much better than finding something in the D-Learn Forum where it is difficult to see, if several answers are given are they still valid, especially if they are some years old.

I know that this was asked in the D survey and I think it should be on the table again.

If we unite for this idea, it should be possible to start an own "DExchange" sub platform.

Best regards mt.

And on the issue of knowing which answers are still valid, that hasn't been the case for a long time on SO. I wasted a lot of time yesterday with not one but two accepted answers on regular expressions that were wrong (both did solve the specific problem, but neither did what was claimed).

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