On Tuesday, 14 January 2020 at 20:14:30 UTC, p.shkadzko wrote:
On Tuesday, 14 January 2020 at 15:15:09 UTC, Rasmus Thomsen wrote:
On Tuesday, 14 January 2020 at 09:54:18 UTC, p.shkadzko wrote:
On Monday, 13 January 2020 at 21:15:51 UTC, p.shkadzko wrote:
On Monday, 13 January 2020 at 20:53:43 UTC, p.shkadzko wrote:

It's very odd to me that Manjaros pkg-config doesn't include that pkg-config path by default and also doesn't include that library path by default, every distro I've so far used did that.

I added /usr/local/include/d/cblas/cblas to $PATH but that didn't help :(

Can you show us your meson.build? You need to set `dependencies:` properly to include all dependencies so ninja includes the right dirs and links the required libraries. You can look at other projects using D for that, e.g. I do it like this: https://github.com/Cogitri/corecollector/blob/master/source/corectl/meson.build

Here is my meson.build file
project('demo_proj', 'd',
  version : '0.1',
  default_options : ['warning_level=3']

mir_alg = dependency('mir-algorithm', method: 'pkg-config')
lubeck = dependency('lubeck', method: 'pkg-config')
required_deps = [mir_alg, lubeck]

ed = executable('demo_proj', 'app.d', dependencies: required_deps, install : true)

As I mentioned earlier cblas.d is installed in /usr/local/include/d/cblas/cblas/cblas.d

If I replace lubeck with mir-lapack (which I also installed into /usr/local/lib), repeat "meson build && cd build && ninja" and call ./demo_proj, I get this:
./demo_proj: error while loading shared libraries: subprojects/mir-algorithm/libmir-algorithm.so.3.4.0:ject file: No such file or directory

But libmir-algorithm.so.3.4.0 is installed in /usr/local/lib and it is in $PATH :(

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