First, kudos for translating all this! I'm sure that'll be a good
reference and maybe pave the way for other translations (Spanish,
German & Japanese come to mind).

I have a few questions:

- why did you use this whata! language instead of a standard format,
like markdown or even ddoc? At least that way you can re-use many
tools that already exist. markdown is known by many people, and pandoc
is able to translate it into dozens of different format (including
LaTeX and pdf and ePub).

`Some chapters, like the chapter on exceptions, are somewhat broken
because of special characters. When I or someone find a way to make
LaTeX handle special characters that are not part of its default font,
we'll be in the best world ever.`

- What special chars?

- can we push pull requests directly on Gitorious? I'm more used to github.

- How do you intend to publish this text?

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