On Tuesday, 21 January 2014 at 20:26:57 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:
On 1/21/2014 1:33 AM, Dicebot wrote:
See "reserved namespace" reference. It does not need any special support from the language itself but some support from spec that will ensure that those attributes won't conflict with user code and other tools will be helpful.
Probably even in form of guideline, not a rule.

This is quite overengineering to put such in the spec.


should do fine (i.e. prefix with your tool name). It's not any harder than coming up with names for your third party library.

"test.d(10): Error: undefined identifier coverity_warnings"

In order for this to work the analysis tool would have to distribute a .d or .di file that is imported by any module that needs to suppress warnings. Java has the SuppressWarnings annotation in the standard java.lang to avoid this.

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