On 4/23/2014 9:11 AM, Adam D. Ruppe wrote:
On Tuesday, 22 April 2014 at 23:45:43 UTC, Aleksandar Ruzicic wrote:
Wow, this looks really nice! It has variables, mixins, nested
selectors and includes.. That's all I need!

Yea, I wrote this several years ago before even knowing about sass based
on what annoyed me about CSS and it looks like me and the sass people
had a lot of the same complaints because our results are almost
compatible. I think sass does a better job with calculations but meh, I
just use box-sizing: border-box and then I don't care as much about
calculations anymore anyway!

"box-sizing: border-box" is proof of what I've said all along: Microsoft got the box model right in old IEs, and W3C got it wrong.

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