On 6/17/2014 11:54 PM, c0de517e wrote:
The intention is to make people -aware- of certain issues, to then make better
motivated choices and not end up thinking stuff like this is cool
(sorry, I've linked this a few times now but it's really so outrageous I want to

Thanks, that link is pure awesomeness in its awfulness!

punch people in the face - also notice how after all that crap the example code
manages to forget about http://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/numeric/math/hypot)

Also on a language perspective I'd say that if certain things can be part of the
type system instead of done via metaprogramming, that is much better
(boost::lambda vs c++11 lambda) because it becomes standard, it can have a
specific syntax to give meaning to certain statements, tools can recognize it
and so on.

I disagree with that because it makes the language into a kitchen sink grab bag of features. It's better to put enabling features into the language and have the standard library define standard forms.

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