Actually I was talking about templates:

        R find(R,T)(R range, T element)
                if (isInputRange!R && is(ElementType!R : T))
                while (!range.empty)
                        if (range.front == element)
                return range;

C++ Templates are more general than that, they do express this kind of polymorphism but that can be done without "full" metaprogramming (turing-complete ability of generating code at compile time). A bounded parametric type is better than templates (C++ concepts are an attempt to patch templates with bounds)

Also notice that really all this is expressible even in languages that have only dynamic polymorphism (subtyping) without performance penalties (YES REALLY).

People think that implementing interfaces is for some reason inherently slower than templates, the same they believe function pointers are slower than functors. It's FALSE. The ONLY reason why templates and functors can be faster is because they are always inline, the compiler knows exactly what to call without indirections. But that's only WORSE than the "indirect" alternatives, because interfaces and pointers afford you the option not to resolve everything statically, but if you want you can always inline everything (put the implementation in headers) and the compiler will perfectly know that it can directly call a given function without overhead...

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