On 2014-07-08 9:32 PM, Puming wrote:
Also, in playframework, vert.x and nodejs, they all have a plugin/module
system, that people could easily compose plugins to make a website. (I
call it plugin because that is what play used to call it, now they all
call it a module but that name will easily conflict with D's sourcecode
modules). This is a critical mechanism that actually allured developers
to contribute to the eco-system.

This is phenomenal work from my perspective because it needs to be original to justify the move. However, I was too tempted by the functional nature of D and my imagination motivated me to build the technicalities for some huge infrastructures behind a next-gen CMS.

I have a chart up at https://github.com/globecsys/spee.d about what's involved with it, on my schedule for all components there should be at least 300 hours of work left.

I'm aiming for a standalone executable library-oriented framework, which would give a cross-platform wordpress-like CMS installation that technically should scale _infinitely_. There's a few issues with infinite scalability behind NAT firewall nodes, like

- the solution would be a websocket communication with (http://wamp.ws/) a more advanced protocol is elementary. - a cache database (I have a local redis-like one up called cache.d) needs to "talk" to hash-distributed master DBs with replication - this cache database would be modified to take advantage of the GC to avoid making additional copies on a server (store some void* in memory, serialized data on the filesystem). - library support would be with the same interface as wordpress: add_filter, add_action, etc - but a focus on Backbone.marionette for front-end js-based structuring with REST/json backend data provider - a custom D-based TLS library would help maximize code inlining in the streams and minimize points of attack - a DER and length-value serialization library would help minimize boilerplate

I'm still brainstorming on the geolocation and domain-clustering of master nodes and load balancing.

I'm finishing up work on a completely generic ASN.1 compiler with support for Information Objects that generates D structures for TLS: https://github.com/globecsys/asn1.d

This is necessary because there's over 7000 lines of structure definitions involved: https://github.com/globecsys/asn1.d/blob/master/tls.asn1

Anyways, enough typing about this for the moment, I'm not looking for help :)

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