On Thursday, 17 July 2014 at 17:28:02 UTC, Vic wrote:
If that is true, I may even do a $ bounty to make Phobos GC free.

Unless you do some hard real-time barebone stuff it is quite likely you can do with limited usage of GC. Hiring some of experienced D user to make a one-time case study with detailed recommendation can be an option if you are seriously concerned.

I may do the same, $ bounty on vibe.d port to GC free.

vibe.d has -version=VibedManualMemoryManagement which removes much of GC usage from its internals. Not 100% @nogc but some entry point to start with for interested parties.

I don't know D enough to be able to do that, but good news to me.

Here Don mentions some of techniques we (Sociomantic) use to minimize GC impact : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WmE7ZR1_YKs

In the end it comes to famous Bjarne quote : "C++ may be the best language for garbage collection because it generates so few garbage". Same can be applied to D with proper coding style.

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