On Sun, 31 Aug 2014 06:46:15 -0400
Nick Sabalausky via Digitalmars-d <digitalmars-d@puremagic.com> wrote:

> So what do they do? Not use the GPL software in the first place. So
> we end up with second-rate crap (like Bionic) or worse - closed
> source proprietary - just because GPL scared them away.
this will not change. it's not specifically GPL what scares away
corporations, it's about "losing control". corporations will always be
hostile to any license that tries to give end users some rights that
can be enforced by user. releasing software under "permissive" licenses
will not help to turn corporations to FOSS. so i can't see any reason
to think about "how we can drag corporations into FOSS culture".

> Hah. BSD/etc is NOT what corporations typically like - they like 
> proprietary closed source. BSD gives them incentive to at least *use* 
> OSS software. GPL gives them incentive to stay away from OSS software.
i don't care what source code was used to build binary blob: proprietary
or BSD-licensed. the result is the same for me. so i don't care if they
use [F]OSS software or not.

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