On Mon, 01 Sep 2014 04:00:46 -0400
Nick Sabalausky via Digitalmars-d <digitalmars-d@puremagic.com> wrote:

> Yea, a vendor-locked smartphone that still gives you far more
> freedoms than iOS or WinRT ever will.
"partially pregnant".

> Go put your software and OS mods on an iPhone or WinRT and *then* try
> to tell everyone that the open portions of Android don't do any good.
android is far more dangerous to FOSS than iphone, for example. iphone
is simply hostile to FOSS, and android makes people think that
half-opened crap is "good OSS". no, it's not good. i'd better see
android dead.

> Are you trolling or just genuinely naive?

> And what phone do *you* use?
N900. but i'm not happy with it either, 'cause it has alot of blobs,
including videodriver. but otherwise it's a normal GNU/Linux. we are
slowly working on replacing closed components (and with Neo900 -- to
have open schematics). and if we'll ditch OpenGL (hell, i don't need
that *so* much) we can use FB driver instead of powervr blob.

so what we'll have in the end is the device with open schematics and
open software, free to build and modify by anyone.

> I don't like the proprietary crap any more than you do. But guess
> what? You don't have a choice.
yet i have.

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