On Monday, 8 December 2014 at 16:57:44 UTC, Marc Schütz wrote:
Two issues immediately pop up:

1) scope is not transitive thus it doesn't work at all - you still can store slice of `scope string` as only actual ptr+length struct is protected.

2) even if it worked, existing definition of scope return value makes it impossible to use in typical idiomatic pipeline: `file.byLine.algo1.algo2`. Either algoX is defined to take `scope ref` and thus can't return it or it is defined to take `ref` and can't take another `scope ref` as an argument.

That's why I asked the question in http://forum.dlang.org/post/xdjsmwocbtxovjnat...@forum.dlang.org . It seems Walter wants to allow passing `scope ref` to `ref`, but then automatically treat a normal `ref` of the second function as if it were `scope ref`. But I can't quite see through it :-(

Yes I have seen that thread and have no idea what Walter has meant either. His answer only makes sense if return value scope is supposed to be inferred from body - what when bodies are guaranteed to be there everything can be inferred anyway.

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