On Tuesday, 30 December 2014 at 21:22:01 UTC, Kiith-Sa wrote:
(accidentally posted this into D.learn first, was intended to be here)

A few weeks/months ago someone here mentioned that it'd be good
if DUB projects linked to code.dlang.org to help anyone who runs
into such a project quickly discover other D projects.

MAny GitHub projects have "badges"/"shields" on top of their
READMEs - little image strips showing things like continuous
integration status, code coverage, etc.

There's also a service generating these: shields.io

I generated a simple "listed at| code.dlang.org" shield, and
added it to my project READMEs as a link pointing to
code.dlang.org for example, see D:YAML README:


You can do the same by either linking to or downloading the


(used red... because mars)

and putting the image (whether as a link to shields.io or your
own copy) into your README.

It's not likely to be a huge improvement, but I expect it *can*
help people notice more D projects and it's trivial to do.

The guy who manages dub could make it a requirement to have a
link in the Dub.json file. Thats your best bet.

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