On Tuesday, 30 December 2014 at 21:22:01 UTC, Kiith-Sa wrote:
(accidentally posted this into D.learn first, was intended to be here)

A few weeks/months ago someone here mentioned that it'd be good
if DUB projects linked to code.dlang.org to help anyone who runs
into such a project quickly discover other D projects.

MAny GitHub projects have "badges"/"shields" on top of their
READMEs - little image strips showing things like continuous
integration status, code coverage, etc.

There's also a service generating these: shields.io

I generated a simple "listed at| code.dlang.org" shield, and
added it to my project READMEs as a link pointing to
code.dlang.org for example, see D:YAML README:


You can do the same by either linking to or downloading the


(used red... because mars)

and putting the image (whether as a link to shields.io or your
own copy) into your README.

It's not likely to be a huge improvement, but I expect it *can*
help people notice more D projects and it's trivial to do.

Thank you for raising awareness of this! It'd be great to see more awareness for dub from people not intimately familiar with D.

I also currently have a PR pending with dub-registry[1] to add a download stats API, so that we could have the same badges as all of the other package managers. As soon as that PR gets merged, a friend and I are going to PR download and version badges to shields.io directly. The other common badge type, whether or not dependencies are up to date, could also be pretty trivial to add to the API.

[1] https://github.com/D-Programming-Language/dub-registry/pull/76

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