On 1/2/15 1:17 PM, Joseph Rushton Wakeling via Digitalmars-d wrote:
On 02/01/15 10:26, Andrei Alexandrescu via Digitalmars-d wrote:
Good stuff, thanks. Question about this:

I'm glad it seems useful; I wondered after writing if it was a bit too
much of a rambling mess :-P

TL;DR: I think it would be good to have a strong community guideline
that people are not to be criticized or treated badly for having
requests or suggestions, even if they are not willing to implement
them themselves.  The quid pro quo is that it's necessary to be
(calmly) candid with people about the limits of _only_ contributing
ideas or requests: "You can ask but not demand".

What would be an appropriate place to put this?

How about a link at the top of the forum.dlang.org page saying something
like, "Before posting, please read our _community guidelines_" ?  With
the page linked to containing advice like the above.

I know that there's always been a lot of pride that we've always been
able to get along without some kind of code of conduct, but ... well,
guidelines are not the same as a code, and anyway, not having guidance
just doesn't scale in my experience.



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