On Sunday, 11 January 2015 at 19:49:32 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:
On 1/11/15 10:25 AM, francesco.cattoglio wrote:
And I say it as a daily D user, daily facing
issues like the horrible invalidMemoryOperationError exception.

What is that?

It happens if you try to do a GC operation while the GC is running.

The typical cause is allocating in a destructor. (Accessing reference type member variables from class destructor is another way to get a crash, since the GC might collect them first.)

There's a handful of memory issues in D, some with the GC and some when you try to avoid the GC, but they typically don't bother me.... perhaps because I've learned to avoid problematic areas, like non-trivial class destructors.

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