On Thursday, 29 January 2015 at 17:50:23 UTC, matovitch wrote:
About the lists

Qualifiers : const (can be an method attribute), immutable (can
be an method attribute), inout, shared, (scope ?)

Attributes : const (can be a type qualifier), immutable (can be a
type qualifier), final (even so I don't understand why private
final is so special), pure, @nothrow, @property, @nogc,...

Neither qualifier nor attributes : abstract, override,... and
many others

Why "override" is not a method attribute...because if you remove
it you've change the "semantic" of the code..."final" doesn't
change anything if you remove it. To me, a function/method
attribute enforce a behaviour on the function but you should be
able to remove it without changing the "semantic".

I'll need a better definition of what a qualifier/attribute is. It's ok to use words like "qualifier" and "attribute" when discussing ideas, but I'm trying to document how this idea would really affect everything so I need a solid definition of what you mean by a qualifier and an attribute. You said an attribute enforces a behavior on the function but you should be able to remove it without changing the "semantics". What do you mean by semantics, because under my definition of semantics, removing a function qualifier does change the semantics. Maybe a better definition is, removing it doesn't change the logic of the function? Not sure. Maybe you can come up with a better definition. Thanks.

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