On Thursday, 29 January 2015 at 17:51:06 UTC, Jonathan Marler wrote:
On Thursday, 29 January 2015 at 17:32:30 UTC, Nick Treleaven wrote:
No, the idea proposed was:

@safe @override const func();
@abstract class C{}
const var = 5;
__gshared gvar = 4;

const is never @const. @abstract is always @abstract. It is variables that don't use @attribute syntax. This is not something I invented, it follows on from existing uses of @attributes and __keywords already supported by dmd.

Nick I'm putting together the FAQ right now. I don't quite understand this proposal. Could you outline it for me? I'd like to know exactly what words would require an '@' symbol. What is the criteria for when to use an '@' and when not to use one? This current rule is (use '@' if it is not a keyword)...so what would the new rule be? Thanks.

Does it really matter ? Please put your first post in there and be done with it. These proposal are not gonna happen anyway (the ROI is simply not there).

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