Am 31.01.2015 um 13:07 schrieb Martin Nowak:

That's probably how it should behave, though an attribute applying only
to public members unless explicitly added is unprecedented. Still seems
like the right choice here, but might require some additional compiler

Well you don't have to implement it that way with in the compiler. The only thing that matters is, that the users sees this transitive behavior of export. It is not neccessary that the attribute actually gets applied recursivly within the compiler implementation. Only the export behavior needs to be implemented recursivly and I already did a implementation for that. It currently works for the export protection level and would be trivial to adapt for a export attribute. It would also not require any additional logic for applying attributes recursivly under certain conditions.

Making export a attribute seems to be the preferred choice in this discussion. Additionaly this was the result of the last discussion around export, a year ago, although for different reasons. The last Discussion resulted in DIP 45 which also proposes making export an attribute. Before I start with the implementation, would you be ok with making export an attribute or would you veto it?

Kind Regards
Benjamin Thaut

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