On Monday, 6 April 2015 at 23:51:17 UTC, Adam Hawkins wrote:
Hello everyone, this is my first post on the forum.
Then as a fellow newcomer to D, let me be the first to welcome you. :)

I wrote a blog post on why I'm excited about D. You can read it here: http://hawkins.io/2015/04/excited-about-d/.

Very nice article. I think I came across a minor error (please correct me if I'm wrong)...
In your runTests 'in' part - shouldn't "results" be "tests" ?


As for myself, I sense a lot of power in the D language; but curently I'm only in the process of starting the engine. My goal is to work with D for microcontrollers like ARM Cortex-M and ARM Cortex-A later. D is *very* suitable for this; perhaps the most suitable language I've ever come across.

To me, D is appealing because:
1: I am crazy about optimizing my code. Assembly language and optimization is one of my greatest hobbies.
2: I would like my code to be easy and simple.
3: I would like an object-oriented programming language which does not bloat everything out of proportions. ;)
4: I like 'universal', 'general' and 'generic' very much.

I think D covers those points very well. From what I've seen and read so far, the produced binary is short and quite fast; the source code for a program does not need to be huge and ugly, but can be small and easy to overview.

Furthermore, I hate "C++ string classes". In D, a string is a native type; pretty cool. Just start typing your code and run it. And for a long time, I've wanted something as easy as Javascript, but just able to generate executable code, which works outside the Web-browser.

D is clearly a language designed by experienced developers. It shows the best side of open source. (My favorites: Redis, GCC and D - and yes, I've already noticed Tiny Redis, and i'm going to use try it out sometime, perhaps even on a microcontroller).

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