On Wednesday, 8 April 2015 at 08:59:04 UTC, Szymon Gatner wrote:
From StackOverflow's 2015 Developer Survey [1]:

"For the third year in a row, we asked respondents which operating system they use the most. Windows maintains the lion's share of the developer operating system market, while Mac appears to have overtaken the Linuxes among active Stack Overflow devs.

Linux may be a small player on the consumer market, with just 1.5% of global desktop operating system share, but it's a go-to OS for developers."

Interestingly, from the "Text editor" question we learn that most used ones are "NotePad++" and "Sublime Text" (and not Visual Studio) which I know are favs among webdevelopers that are not used to IDEs (as debugging happens in web browsers).

This correlates with with "Most popular technologies" results too.

To sum up:

Please give more attention to Windows developers like myself ;)


Poll has a windows bias due to stackoverflows focus on .NET, which is extremely overrepresented on SO(see: redmonk)

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