On 4/8/15 10:04 AM, Dicebot wrote:
On Wednesday, 8 April 2015 at 16:56:12 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:
Considering I am far from the only person having problems
with it in our team and such style is extremely common because of being
easy - this can easily be one of most damaging language features in D in
terms of wasted developer time.

Again trying with ad populum. Not buying it.

I don't even slightly care about your opinion here. It is just another
annoying custom style rule I have to deal with. Casual necessity for
actually getting work done with D.

I guess I deserve this for making my point as a jerk. I shouldn't engage in brief bickering when I don't have time. My point was: you'd need some detail to back up your claim about those wasted hours because I also work on a large D project at work with others and that hasn't been an issue, like, ever. We ended up just not adding the pesky "()"s simply because sitting down and deciding which deserves and which doesn't was a waste of time. E.g. front and empty shouldn't, but popFront should. Really no reason for it.

And if "not buying it" is all you can say about actual experience report
(however opinionated it is) this tells quite a lot about how justified
_your_ preference is.

Yah, I do think it's a matter of preference.


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