On Thursday, 11 June 2015 at 12:21:30 UTC, Kagamin wrote:
And Google will be right in abandoning an unsuccessful project. Supporting such project wouldn't benefit anyone and reusing resources in other promising projects is to the benefit of everyone.

Actually, it is a problem that makes people reluctant to use Google technologies and that overall harms the Google eco-system way beyond individual projects.

Dart recently announced that they are now on github. In the comment field on that announcement people complained about how their workplaces choose Typescript over it, despite Dart being more suitable. They think Google will abandon it. In other news Google claimed to have 1 million lines of internal Dart code and use it for their ad sales services. So apparently they would like to keep the eco system alive.

People are not abandoning Dart because shows any signs of being a dead or a bad language, they do it because they don't trust Google.

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