On 06/12/2015 04:33 PM, Steven Schveighoffer wrote:
On 6/12/15 3:44 PM, Nick Sabalausky wrote:
On 06/12/2015 07:58 AM, Steven Schveighoffer wrote:

Those who are serious and willing ***and able*** to invest will buy one.


If you want to make minimum wage,

You've got to be fucking kidding everyone. Step out of your ivory tower
once in a while.

Gladly, it's nice outside today!

[...]I can guess you shouldn't buy a mac :)

In any case, you have your sequence of events is seriously backwards

The correct order is:

1: Obtain $
2: THEN Spend $
3: GOTO 1

Notice how the loop can only be primed with "Obtain", not "Spend shit
you don't fucking even have".

Are you fucking kidding me? People who work minimum wage jobs have
iPhones. They have credit cards. If someone has the ability to make
above minimum wage, and all they have to do is finance the purchase of a
mac, if they don't do it, then they have their priorities messed up.

Well, granted, if they have a minimum wage job *and* one of those $100+/month iPhone plans, then yea, their priorities probably are a bit borked.

Note, I don't think everyone *can* make money if they just purchase a
mac. I'm saying if you have the skills (and desire), and it costs you
the risk of charging $500 on a credit card,

Which, believe it or not, not everyone can do. And even those who can, that's still, as you say, a risk.

you should do it if all you
can get is minimum wage work otherwise. This is exactly how people get
ahead in life, they don't wait for handouts. People who have successful
businesses didn't start out with magical seed capital that didn't have
to be paid back, they started out by working hard, making do with what
they had, sacrificing other things, learning from their mistakes, and
building on their successes. They don't cry in the corner saying "poor
me, if only I had X I could get ahead." Ask any person who built a company.


That's obviously taking things waaay off at the other extreme. Nobody's suggesting anything of that sort. Just "work with what you have" and good old-fashioned bootstrapping.

But to act like everyone can always just go out and blow hundreds any time they damn well please (regardless of potential payoff) is just plain asinine bullshit and crassly ignores the basic fact that not everyone has the same resources you're clearly taking for granted. If Joe X doesn't have $Y (that isn't already earmarked for other apparently frivolous things, like, say food and shelter), then he can't fucking invest $Y until he does have it, no matter how much the rich self-entitled douchehbags toss around their favorite fucking "handouts" strawman.

Go buy yourself 100 manufacturing plants. You should already be able to afford to BECAUSE it would make you money afterwords. Oh, wait, you can't do that? Go do it anyway and quit demanding handouts.

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