On 06/17/2015 02:30 AM, Jacob Carlborg wrote:
On 2015-06-16 01:53, Nick B wrote:

Looking to the future, as volumes grow, they could:
1.  Stay with PHP & C#.net, and bring on servers as volumes grow.

You mentioned cost elsewhere, and this can be a big cost that doesn't scale very well.

2.  Migrate to C#.net in time
3.  Migrate to D in time.

Any comments or suggestions on the above?

Anything would be better than PHP. You can't go wrong picking either D
or C# over PHP.



Even Facebook, every PHP-proponent's favorite example of a supposed "PHP user" has spent many years putting lots of effort into:

1. Mitigating PHP's problems (big coding standards guidelines based on many years experience by an army of developers, plus completely rewriting the PHP engine itself something like three times, see "HipHop". They don't use stock "Zend" PHP.)

2. Migrating *away* from PHP. See Facebook's own "Hack" language.

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