On Sunday, 21 June 2015 at 03:16:31 UTC, Nick B wrote:
On Friday, 19 June 2015 at 11:28:30 UTC, Etienne Cimon wrote:
On Thursday, 18 June 2015 at 05:23:25 UTC, Nick B wrote:
On Thursday, 18 June 2015 at 03:44:08 UTC, Etienne Cimon wrote:

Will you explain how it is different to Vibe.d ?

It has HTTP/2, a new encryption library, it uses a native TCP event library, lots of refactoring. In short, the entire thing is in D rather than linking with OpenSSL and libevent.


Can you explain the benefits of writing these libraries in D, as against just linking to these libraries. Is it for faster execution, or better debugging, or some other reason ?

When writing bindings, you need to write unit tests for your bindings and an interface. You're adding a layer of software with its own propensity for errors. You also don't have access to the underlying implementation in the IDE. You also can't add features to facilitate your own programs unless you control the repository.

Honestly, I can't stand having layers and layers of garbage to make up for language differences. I like the cleanliness of it all and it probably ended up taking me half the time because I avoided debugging new code.

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