On Sat, 20 Jun 2015 16:18:28 +0000, Kagamin wrote:

> Windows API would be similar to X11, where you just specify everything
> in pixels and toolkits building on top of it manually do all the
> recomputations and layout policies, not the UI server.

only in windows "toolkit" is built into system. and it can't do anything 
except pixels and stupid "dialog units".

> And then it's still not simple: with small font you can put a lot of
> information into a window, which simply won't fit with bigger font size,
> in this case web gets scrolled naturally, while native UI clunks
> interface and truncates strings trying to fit it into the window.

i lol'd. a typical windows rant, where "toolkits" still doesn't know 
about such things as "preferred size", "minimal size", and can't add 
scrolling if necessary, choosing to make controls smaller and smaller 

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