On Sunday, 21 June 2015 at 23:02:38 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:
While I work on making std.allocator better, here's some food for thought regarding std.collection.

Consider a traditional container with reference semantics, Java-style. Regarding changing the collection (e.g. adding/removing elements) while iterating, we have the following possibilities:

1. Leave it undefined, like the STL does. Probably this is too extreme.

2. Throw an exception if a remove is attempted while ranges exist. This works but it's conservative - e.g. it throws even if those ranges are never to be used again etc.

3. Allow the removal but throw from the ranges if there's any attempt to use a range following a remove.

4. Make it work such that ranges continue to be valid post removal. Perhaps this is on the inefficient side.


I was trying to understand how it could work with array slices. For example, I was thinking of code similar to the following from TDPL p. 103:

import std.conv, std.stdio;
int main(string[] args) {
  args = args[1 .. $];
  while (args.length >= 2) {
    if (to!int(args[0]) != to!int(args[$ - 1])) {
      writeln("not palindrome");
      return 1;
    args = args[1 .. $ - 1];
  return 0;

Is the slice above considered a range? If so then it seems that (4) is already used a lot in existing D code. If it is not, then will slices of the possible future library implementation of arrays be considered ranges?

I cannot see all difficulties arising from allowing (4), but I imagine code complexity will increase as a result. Perhaps the compiler can special case arrays to avoid possible issues making (4) allowable for all containers?


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