If we want to accelerate D2 adoption, we need too:

- have more and better WORKING examples. More or less, a workable "copy-paste" approach for (almost) every module and function...
- make D2 easy2use for "not C++/Java/whatever gurus" again
-> all this different "types", which are either required as an input for functions or are returned from those and need to be casted/converted all the time... frustrating for real "new comers" -> it all starts with "string" and "char[]" stuff, but is really a nightmare with all the ranges and things which need to be converted all the time, i.e. like with ".array"... I couldn't convince colleagues to use D2 because it's just to complicate already for the low level things like those!

In short, I would:
- NOT include VIBE.D and such things into the core lang, but make it a breeze to integrate such modules with DUB - make every D2 function accept and return "string"s and "[dw]char[]" (THAT would be a radical new thing for D2, maybe!)

On Tuesday, 21 July 2015 at 13:17:36 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:
It all starts with a high level thought. We want to accelerate D adoption rate way beyond what it is now. Radically, like 10x. We've done a number of things, many of which helped. But there's this thought - if we keep on doing what we've been doing, we'll keep on getting the results we've been getting. (There could be changes of phase, synergy, cumulative effects etc. but just waiting for those to happen doesn't sound like the best tactics.)

So I keep an eye on radical new things we could try - things we have not done before, and that have worked for others. Some might just not work, but we don't know if we don't just try.

 ~~~ snip ~~~


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