On 2015-09-26 05:08, Manu via Digitalmars-d wrote:

Windows is just a terrible operating system and I wish it would die
already, but OSS just can't get a reasonable Microsoft Office,
Photoshop, or Visual Studio alternative together. I don't even care if
it's free, I'd pay good money for a linux version of each of these
programs, they just have to exist.

Photoshop and Microsoft Office are available on OS X. Visual Studio Code is also available on OS X, although not the same as the regular Visual Studio, I have no experience how they compare.

On OS X there's also Pixelmator as an alternative to Photoshop. I've heard it's pretty good but I'm not experienced in this area so can't really say if it's a viable option.

Sure OS X is not Linux, but it's a Unix system. Better than nothing :)

/Jacob Carlborg

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