On Tuesday, 29 September 2015 at 05:52:13 UTC, Ola Fosheim Grøstad wrote:
What tools can D successfully replace? Give a focused answer to that and you can improve on D to a level where it becomes attractive.

But keep it real. Fear among programmers is not D's main issue. That's just an excuse.

And just to avoid a misundertanding here:

1. That C# and Java programmers end up being disgruntled is not a failure of the language, that is a failure of communicating that D is a system level programming language. It is not a fear issue, they just ended up in the wrong neighbourhood.

2. When people who are looking for a system level programming language get disgruntled then you need to pay attention. It is still not a fear issue, there are so few system level languages to pick from that people looking for alternatives cannot afford to be "picky".

D2 is pretty much C++ with a Boehm collector attached to it. So to get traction D has to improve on that model significantly OR change direction completely.

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