On Monday, 30 November 2015 at 17:53:04 UTC, Ola Fosheim Grøstad wrote:
On Monday, 30 November 2015 at 17:18:50 UTC, terchestor wrote:
http://www.easypolls.net/poll.html?p=565587f4e4b0b3955a59fb67 shows right now that 70% of 98 voters DISILIKE SDL.

Well, most people who didn't object probably didn't bother to vote... What about just hashing it out in YAML? It would look like this:

# this is a comment

name: my project
description: A little web service of mine.
    - Peter Parker
    - Spiderman
homepage: http://myproject.example.com
license: GPL-2.0
    vibe-d: ~>0.7.23

How do translate this example on SDLang ?

name "dedcpu"
authors "Luis Panadero Guardeño"
targetType "none"
license "BSD 3-clause"
description "DCPU-16 tools"

subPackage {
   name "lem1802"
   description "Visual LEM1802 font editor"
   targetType "executable"
   targetName "lem1802"
   excludedSourceFiles "src/bconv.d"
   excludedSourceFiles "src/ddis.d"
   libs "gtkd" platform="windows"

   configuration "nogtk" {
      platforms "windows"

   configuration "gtk" {
      platforms "posix"
      dependency "gtk-d:gtkd" version="~>3.2.0"

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