On Tuesday, 15 December 2015 at 12:28:02 UTC, ZombineDev wrote:
On Tuesday, 15 December 2015 at 11:26:04 UTC, rumbu wrote:

Looking at the .net source code, the Count extension method is also doing a best effort "count" by querying the ICollection interface.

Yes, I have looked at the source code, before writing this, so I knew exactly how it worked. In short : terrible, because it relies only on OOP. But that's not the point. Why should anyone need to look at the source code, to see what this function does? I thought this is what the docs were supposed to tell.

public static int Count<TSource>(this IEnumerable<TSource> [...]

The Remarks section clearly states the same thing:

"If the type of source implements ICollection<T>, that implementation is used to obtain the count of elements. Otherwise, this method determines the count."

And personally, I found the MS remark more compact and more user friendly than:

If you look at table at the beginning of page (https://dlang.org/phobos/std_range_primitives.html) you can clearly see a nice concise description of the function. Even if you don't know complexity theory there's the word "Compute" which should give you an idea that the function performs some non-trivial amount of work. Unlike:

Returns the number of elements in a sequence.

Which implies that it only returns a number - almost like an ordinary getter property. I am scared to think that if back then C# got extension properties, it might have been implemented as such.

Not everybody is licensed in computational complexity theory to understand what O(n) means.

LOL. Personally, I would never want to use any software written by a programmer, who can't tell the difference.

Well ok, let's consider a novice programmer who hasn't studied yet complexity theory.

Option A: They look at the documentation and see there's some strange O(n) thing that they don't know. They look it up in google and find the wonderful world of complexity theory. They become more educated and are grateful the people who wrote the documentation for describing more accurately the requirements of the function. That way they can easily decide how using such function would impact the performance of their system.

Option B: They look at the documentation and see that there's some strange O(n) thing that they don't know. They decide that it's extremely inhumane for the docs to expect such significant knowledge from the reader and they decide to quit. Such novices that do not want to learn are better off choosing a different profession, than inflicting their poor written software on the world.

We are talking about a better documentation, not about the C# vs D performance, we already know the winner. Since C# is an OOP-only language, there is only one way to do reflection - using OOP, (voluntarily ignoring the fact that NGen will reduce this call to a simple memory read in case of arrays).

Your affirmation:

the docs don't even bother to mention that it is almost always O(n), because non of the > Enumerable extention methods preserve the underlying ICollection interace

was false and you don't need to look to the source code to find out, the Remarks section is self-explanatory:

"If the type of source implements ICollection<T>, that implementation is used to obtain the count of elements. Otherwise, this method determines the count."

This is a *good* documentation:
- "Count" is a better name than "walkLength"; every other programming language will use concepts similar to count, cnt, length, len. - You don't need to understand computer science terms to find out what a function does; - If you are really interested about more than finding out the number of elements, there is a performance hint in the Remarks section. - Links are provided to concepts: even the return type (int) has a link.
- It clearly states what's happening if the range is not defined
- It clearly states what's happening if the range contains more than int.max elements

On the contrary, the D documentation, introduces a bunch of non-linked concepts, but it tells me that it's possible to perform O(n) evaluations:
- isInputRange
- isInfiniteRange
- hasLength
- empty
- popFront

There is no indication what happens if the range is undefined in D docs. In fact, inconsistent behavior:
- it will return 0 in case of null arrays;
- it will throw AccessViolation for null ranges (or probably segfault on Linux);

There is no indication what happens if the range contains more than size_t.max elements:
- integer overflow;

Like someone said: D has genius programmers, but worst marketers.

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