On Thursday, 18 February 2016 at 11:12:57 UTC, Jonathan M Davis wrote:
On Thursday, 18 February 2016 at 06:57:01 UTC, Kai Nacke wrote:
even if DMD is the official reference compiler, the download page http://dlang.org/download.html already mentions "strong optimization" as pro of GDC/LDC vs. "very fast compilation speeds" as pro of DMD.

If we would make GDC or LDC the official compiler then the next question which pops up is about compilation speed....

Yeah. dmd's compilation speed has been a huge win for us and tends to make a very good first impression. And as far as development goes, fast compilation speed matters a lot more than fast binaries. So, assuming that they're compatible enough (which ideally they are but aren't always), I would argue that the best approach would be to use dmd to develop your code and then use gdc or ldc to build the production binary. We benefit by having all of these compilers, and I seriously question that changing which one is the "official" one is going to help any. It just shifts which set of complaints we get.

- Jonathan M Davis

Yep. Fast compilation during development must not be sacrificed for fast binaries. What are you really building to have fast binaries during development?

However, I strongly agree with cleaning up the language instead of adding more features.

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