On 26/02/2016 06:19, Walter Bright wrote:

I wish LLVM would switch to the Boost license, in particular removing
this clause:

"Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimers in the
documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution."

Reading it adversely means if I write a simple utility and include a few
lines from LLVM, I have to include that license in the binary and a
means to print it out. If I include a bit of code from several places,
each with their own version of that license, there's just a bunch of
crap to deal with to be in compliance.

Then add the license info to a "readme" or "copyright" file. Is that really such a hassle? It seems a trivial task to me. For example:
(that file is included in the binary distributions)

Bruno Medeiros

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