On Sunday, 8 May 2016 at 20:31:26 UTC, Nick Sabalausky wrote:
I would also recommend a static site generator, I currently use Hugo https://gohugo.io/ though it is written it Go haha. Jekyll got really slow after 30 blog entries, especially if you want to do the syntax
highlighting offline.

In short: Hybrid site generating :) Only generate on-the-fly what NEEDS to be on-the-fly. Only regenerate things when they change, not every time they're viewed (unless they change more than they're viewed, like maybe an admin-only site webstats page, but such cases are rare).

Guys - KISS! During the time we already spent in this thread, we could have written least five great blog entries!

Therefore +1 for static site generators - they keep stuff simple.
The advantage of Jekyll is that it works so nice with Github pages and everyone can thus preview the changes on their local gh-pages branch. Getting the Dlang theme is not difficult, see e.g. my proposal for to put the DIPs into a github repo:


The DIP Jekyll site builds in ~five seconds (90 pages).
That being said, I like Hugo too.

Btw if we just keep using DDOC (a static site generator), all the custom macros will continue to work ;-)

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