On 10/05/2016 12:33 AM, ZombineDev wrote:
On Monday, 9 May 2016 at 12:02:19 UTC, rikki cattermole wrote:
On 09/05/2016 11:56 PM, ZombineDev wrote:
On Monday, 9 May 2016 at 11:20:00 UTC, rikki cattermole wrote:
On 09/05/2016 11:12 PM, ZombineDev wrote:
On Monday, 9 May 2016 at 10:33:27 UTC, rikki cattermole wrote:
I've done windowing and image libraries before.
You are correct, you do not need OOP.

But if you want to keep implementation nicely separated out from
usage, you really do. Which is a major part of my requirements.

Well, in my example above, everything is nicely separated, easy to
yet quite flexible. And still there is no Java-style OOP. Do you have
any examples, where the use of classic OOP would provide a strictly
superior design?

You're using templates. While this might be ok for image library.
I cannot use this for the windowing library. The implementation may
not be known and must be plugable at runtime.
The reality is, just because you say you know about something at
compile time doesn't mean the system that runs a program does.

I'm still not convinced. You have a fixed at CT number of
implementations. Even if you don't know at CT the actual platform that
will be used, you can still choose at RT the correct template. Example:

You do not.
Shared libraries remember them?

You will statically link the windowing library and it will dynamically
load the necessary shared/dynamic libaries of the platform at runtime.
What's the problem? E.g. Derelict* does the same.

// platform name can be "X11", "mir", "Wayland", etc.
auto getPlatformWindow(CTArgs...)(string platformNameRTArg)
    switch (platformNameRTArg.toLower)
             enforce(false, "Unknown platform: " ~ platformNameRTArg);

        foreach (platform; EnumMembers!Platform)
            case name.stringof:
                 // Use std.experiment.typecons.Wrap if you need a
common type.
                 return getWindow!(name, CTArgs);
    assert (0);

Platform is undefined, did you mean IPlatform?

Platform obviously an enum. The return type can be a plain struct, a
Variant, or a std.experimental.typecons.wrap, depending on your needs.

But that's besides the point. Even with OOP, your return type can be an
interface that has template parameters like allocators, policies, etc.
You're providing some the arguments at CT and the rest of the return
type is dynamically polymorphic. E.g.:

interface Window(Allocator, Policy);
Window!(Allocator, Policy) getWindow(alias allocator,

Sure you can, but now you have added another layer of indirection
between implementation and usage because you can't use templated types
in between.

There's no indirection (besides the interface, which would also be the
case with your approach) and you **should** use templated types :)

My point is that there's no need for IAllocator, even if you want to use
OOP so badly.
But in most cases you will either write different code for different
platforms, making interfaces unnecessary, or you would be able to hide
the differences behind a struct.

And when the allocator and the other policies are template parameters
you will know at CT that your code is @nogc.

Again, no templates. You cannot initialize them at runtime, and since
you won't know all implementations until it executes, well, you've got
a problem.
Its a many to many problem. I faced this with Cmsed as well.

As I demonstrated, it's not a problem. You just need to choose the
template at runtime. You have a fixed number of implementations which
are all statically linked. Only the one chosen at runtime will be
initialized and at the moment of initialization it can do the necessary
dynamic loading.

In the example above:

interface Window(Allocator, Policy);
Window!(Allocator, Policy) getWindow(alias allocator,

Since you don't need to switch Allocator implementations at run-time
(and if you switch them you will most certainly get silent memory
corruption), you can leverage the fact that some stuff are known at CT
and leave the rest to RT.

At this point, all I'm going to say is, prove me wrong.
Give me all the power I have now and do it the way you want to.

PR's welcome. https://github.com/rikkimax/alphaPhobos/

FYI, I'll be streaming in a minute https://www.livecoding.tv/alphaglosined/

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