On Thursday, 19 May 2016 at 18:22:48 UTC, Timon Gehr wrote:
On 19.05.2016 08:04, Joakim wrote:
On Wednesday, 18 May 2016 at 17:10:25 UTC, Timon Gehr wrote:
It's not just slightly worse, it can cut the number of useful bits in half or more! It is not unusual, I have actually run into those problems in the past, and it can break an algorithm that is in Phobos

I wouldn't call that broken. Looking at the hex output by replacing %f with %A in writefln, it appears the only differences in all those
results is the last byte in the significand.


// ...

void main(){
    //double[] data=[1e16,1,-9e15];
    import std.range;
    double[] data=1e16~repeat(1.0,100000000).array~(-9e15);
    import std.stdio;
    writefln("%f",sum(data)); // baseline
    writefln("%f",kahan(data)); // kahan
    writefln("%f",kahanBroken(data)); // broken kahan

dmd -run kahanDemo.d

dmd -m32 -O -run kahanDemo.d


Obviously there is more structure in the data that I invent manually than in a real test case where it would go wrong. The problems carry over though.

I looked over your code a bit. If I define sum and c as reals in "kahanBroken" at runtime, this problem goes away. Since that's what the CTFE rule is actually doing, ie extending all floating-point to reals at compile-time, I don't see what you're complaining about. Try it, run even your original naive summation algorithm through CTFE and it will produce the result you want:

enum double[] ctData=[1e16,1,-9e15];
enum ctSum = sum(ctData);
writefln("%f", ctSum);

As Don's talk pointed out,
all floating-point calculations will see loss of precision starting there.

This is implicitly assuming a development model where the programmer first writes down the computation as it would be correct in the real number system and then naively replaces every operation by the rounding equivalent and hopes for the best.

No, it is intrinsic to any floating-point calculation.

It is a useful rule if that is what you're doing. One might be doing something else. Consider the following paper for an example where the last bit in the significant actually carries useful information for many of the values used in the program.


Did you link to the wrong paper? ;) I skimmed it and that paper explicitly talks about error bounds all over the place. The only mention of "the last bit" is when they say they calculated their constants in arbitrary precision before rounding them for runtime use, which is ironically similar to what Walter suggested doing for D's CTFE also.

In this case, not increasing precision gets the more accurate result, but other examples could be constructed that _heavily_ favor increasing

Sure. In such cases, you should use higher precision. What is the problem? This is already supported (the compiler is not allowed to use lower precision than requested).

I'm not the one with the problem, you're the one complaining.

In fact, almost any real-world, non-toy calculation would
favor it.

In any case, nobody should depend on the precision out that far being
accurate or "reliable."

IEEE floating point has well-defined behaviour and there is absolutely nothing wrong with code that delivers more accurate results just because it is actually aware of the actual semantics of the operations being carried out.

You just made the case for Walter doing what he did. :)

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