On Tuesday, 24 May 2016 at 19:22:31 UTC, Seb wrote:

I recently made a PR to dlang.org which is aimed to show a list of all contributors to a Phobos module based on the git history. The idea is to give all the awesome people who have helped and contributed their earned credit!


A couple of questions from this PR are still open though:

1) How can we best integrate this with the author section?
- Should we move this into the header?
- Maybe a module could also have a current maintainer(s) (that is in charge of approving changes)

2) Should we show the avatars? They are loaded lazily, so they don't block the page load. If neccessary out of privacy concerns, contribs.dlang.io could act as a proxy.

3) I would prefer to generate this information on deploy-time, but rolling a small (vibe.d) service was a lot easier than integrating this properly in the current Makefile. Maybe once we migrate to ddox this would be easier?

I forgot if you want to see this in live, you can browse the output of DAutotest, e.g.:


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