On 05/24/2016 09:22 PM, Seb wrote:
3) I would prefer to generate this information on deploy-time, but
rolling a small (vibe.d) service was a lot easier than integrating this
properly in the current Makefile. Maybe once we migrate to ddox this
would be easier?

I agree that this should be done when documentation is being built. The information doesn't change, so loading it dynamically only makes things slower.

Generally, I think we should be reducing the amount of JavasScript where possible, not do even more with JS that could be done when generating HTML.

A relatively simple, non-disruptive way towards more static generation would be writing small programs that generate .ddoc files, like the changelog builder you've got in the making [1].

So maybe we can have a little tool that generates a git-contributors.ddoc which contains a bunch of contributor lists as Ddoc macros, one per module. Then, for example, in std/stdio.d we put `$(GIT_CONTRIBUTORS_STD_STDIO)` somewhere. That means touching every single module, but there's precedent with the PHOBOSSRC macro.

Or, since the .html files actually seem to be built individually, the tool could generate a bunch of git-contributors-*.ddoc files, each of which defines just a single GIT_CONTRIBUTORS macro. Then it could be included in a skeleton file, or at least there less potential for mistakes when it's put in all source files.

[1] https://github.com/dlang/tools/pull/186

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