Am 04.06.2016 um 19:18 schrieb ag0aep6g:
On 06/04/2016 07:01 PM, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:
* The cheat sheet made sense for the single-page docs but not for the
new ones. Consider e.g. - it's two tables
with the same row headings one after another. The information should be
consolidated in one table (I'm speaking from the user's perspective; I
know it's hard).

I have a pull request open that addresses the issue:

It hides the handcrafted cheat sheets. It's not been pulled yet, because
the handcrafted cheat sheets may be better than the generated ones.

I haven't been able to figure out how to hide the generated ones. Also,
the handcrafted ones tend to get outdated which is especially bad with
DDOX, because you can't just scroll down to it.

I think ideally we could do something like introducing a special "Cheatsheet" section or macro for each function that DDOX could aggregate or use instead of the normal short description. Also interesting (although less so since we started using sub modules) would be to do the same for a group/category that would be used to group symbols by other means that simply their type category.

The downside is that the normal Ddoc generated docs couldn't use that information to display the overview tables like it does now, so it would make most sense to do this after making the switch.

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