On Saturday, 11 June 2016 at 18:36:23 UTC, Ola Fosheim Grøstad wrote:
On Saturday, 11 June 2016 at 10:14:25 UTC, qznc wrote:
I have given up hope for different browser languages than Javascript. The problem is not finding a language. A lot of people would love to have Lua, Python, or something else and it has not happened yet. Dart was the most serious attempt. They had full-time people at Google working on it and they gave up.

They didn't give up as they use it internally for their advertising application. Dart 1.7 was out 2 days ago:

I meant Dart 1.17... Duh.

Interestingly there was an interview related to Dart and Adwords UI


I found these quotes interesting:

«One thing we found out was that developers preferred even stronger type checking than what Dart was providing. So, we are very excited about the work on Dart Strong Mode. We are also looking forward to cross-browser, fast edit refresh with the upcoming Dart Dev Compiler.»


«With Angular2, the application performance and code size are very similar between the JS and Dart versions. So any team considering Angular2 should consider Dart as well.»

Dunno. Still not sure about the future of Dart, but stricter static typing is a good selling point.

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