On Monday, 13 June 2016 at 13:59:06 UTC, Steven Schveighoffer wrote:
So what it seems like you want is somerange.map(...).front to evaluate the lambda only once, without caching. This doesn't fit into the definition of ranges, which require the ability to access the same front more than once.

What you really want is a new kind of construct. It's not a range.

I think you are completely right here, though it is not very comforting :) Indeed, looking now through all uses of ranges in my code, it has always been same specific subset of their functionality - input range based pipeline. Chunk input, build up filters/transformations, write output. Never random access or even `.save`, and each original input chunk is supposed to be processed only once.

Every of my complaints is simply a natural outcome of this usage pattern - I'd really prefer to have something more stupid but also more fool-proof.

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